Everything You Need to Know About Parasite Prevention in Tucson
In addition to vaccinations, proper nutrition, and exercise, an essential component of every pet’s wellness and preventative veterinary care is parasite prevention.
Protect Your Pet During Heartworm Awareness Month in April
April marks the beginning of mosquito season in many U.S. climates, making it the perfect time to raise awareness about a dangerous pet parasite during Heartworm Awareness Month.
Safety Tips for Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month
March is National Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month, and the entire month is dedicated to educating pet parents about all the things that can be poisonous for pets with the hope of preventing accidental ingestions and emergency situations from happening.
Everything You Should Know for Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, and our veterinarians at Desert Paws Mobile Veterinary Care like to take this opportunity to educate pet owners and the community about the importance of spaying and neutering pets.
3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Pet's Teeth Healthy
During National Pet Dental Month in February, our experts at Desert Paws Mobile Veterinary Care are taking the time to educate our clients about the importance of caring for their pets’ teeth.
Heartworm & Other Native Pests
There’s a common misconception that heartworm is not a problem in the Southwest. Heartworm is transferred to dogs through mosquito bites. With our warm weather, mosquitos pose a threat to our pets during every season.