Does My Pet Need Dental Care?

Dental care is just as important for cats and dogs as it is for humans. Without proper care, pets can develop periodontal disease (gum disease), which not only causes painful problems inside the mouth that can negatively affect your pet’s nutrition and comfort but it can also lead to systemic health problems that can drastically shorten your pet’s lifespan. Unfortunately, most dogs and cats do not get the oral care they truly need and will have developed some form of dental disease by the time they are three years of age.
Additionally, pets can suffer from ailments like tooth decay, cavities, broken teeth, lost teeth, oral abscesses, and more.
The following signs can indicate that your pet has already developed an oral health problem and should have a pet dentistry appointment as soon as possible.

5 Signs Your Pet Needs Dental Care

1. Dropping Food or Toys

Oral health problems can cause tooth pain and painful gums that can make it painful to eat and drink normally or to pick up and carry around objects. You might notice your pet dropping its kibble, dropping its toys, or even wincing or whimpering when eating or playing.

2. Persistent Bad Breath

Oral health problems are often caused by an excess of harmful bacteria living inside the mouth. This increase in bacteria will give your pet noticeably bad breath.

3. Yellowed or Browned Teethed

If your pet’s teeth look yellow, brown, or otherwise stained, this is a sign of the plaque, tartar, and bacterial buildup that causes gum disease and cavities.

4. Bleeding, Red, or Swollen Gums

Gum problems go hand-in-hand with gum disease. If your pet’s gums are bright-red, swollen, or bleeding, they have likely developed periodontal disease (a bacterial infection of the gums) and should have professional dental care as soon as possible.

5. Excessive Drooling

Some dogs drool all the time. However, if you notice your dog or cat suddenly drooling more than usual, this could be an indication of an oral health problem that’s either causing them to produce more saliva or making it difficult for them to swallow their saliva.

Pet Dentistry With Our Mobile Veterinarian in Tucson

The best way to combat gum disease in pets is to prevent it from developing in the first place with proper dental care combining professional pet dental care with at-home strategies like teeth brushing and providing pets with dental-friendly treats and chew toys.
To learn more about pet dentistry, we welcome you to contact Desert Paws Mobile Veterinary Center to schedule an appointment today.