5 Holiday Foods That Are Dangerous for Pets
Most families’ holiday traditions and celebrations include a variety of special foods and treats that are only prepared and enjoyed during this time of the year. While you might want to include your pets in every aspect of your holiday celebrations, it’s best not to feed them foods prepared for human consumption because many foods that are safe for people are actually dangerous for pets. The following are some of the five most common foods that poison pets during the holidays.

5 Holiday Foods That Are Dangerous for Pets

1. Anything With Raisins or Grapes
Grapes and raisins (dried grapes) are toxic to both dogs and cats, and just a small amount can make them very sick and put their lives at risk. Keep these ingredients and any items that contain them (turkey stuffing, fruit cake, muffins, or other desserts) out of your pet’s reach.
2. Chocolate and Coffee
Chocolate and coffee contain similar chemical compounds (theobromine and caffeine) that are toxic to both dogs and cats. Ingesting just a small amount of either can make pets ill and even lead to death.
3. Foods With Any Type of Alliums
Allium is a genus of plants that are poisonous to dogs and cats. The genus contains plants that we commonly eat and use in our cooking including onions, garlic, shallots, and chives.
4. Alcohol
Alcohol is also toxic to both dogs and cats. While most pet owners wouldn’t intentionally give their pets alcohol to consume, curious pets can sometimes sneak sips from uncovered and unattended drinks around the household. Make sure your guests know to keep an eye on their drinks or, better yet, throw a private party for your pets in a confined room away from the rest of the festivities.
5. Xylitol
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is commonly used in sugar-free gum, desserts, candy, and other foods. Xylitol is highly toxic to dogs.

Emergency Veterinary Care in Tucson
With all of the hubbub of the holiday season and festivities, pets can sometimes get into foods that they shouldn’t. If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic substance or food, you should seek emergency veterinary care immediately. Keep the number for Animal Poison Control on hand at all times, and contact Desert Paws Mobile Veterinary Care so that we can bring our emergency, life-saving services right to your door.