Tips to Keep Your Dog Calm for Grooming


Tips to Keep Your Dog Calm for Grooming

Whether you’re bathing your pet at home or taking them to a professional grooming appointment, all of the new sounds, smells, objects, and sensations can be overwhelming for a dog. As a result, dogs can quickly become stressed, anxious, and unable to complete their bath, brushing, or haircut.
To help your dogs stay healthy with regular grooming while avoiding the anxiety of having a nervous or scared pup, consider the following tips to smooth the process.

7 Tips to Calm Your Dog for Grooming


1. Let Them Explore

Give your pet the opportunity to explore your grooming tools on their own. Let them sniff, lick, and get comfortable with these objects before you start using them. This is especially necessary for any tools that make noise.

2. Go Slowly

Work your way to a full groom slowly by starting with just brushing or just a bath. Get your pet used to these activities before introducing clippers.

3. Provide Lots of Praise and Treats

Help your pet develop positive associations with the grooming experience by providing lots of praise and treats throughout.

4. Put a No-Slip Mat or Towel in the Tub

The slick, slippery texture of a tub can be enough to stress out a pet. Put a towel or rubber mat inside your tub to help your pet feel secure.

5. Visit the Groomer Without a Groom

If going to a professional, ask if you and your pet can stop by to say hello and get acclimated to the pet salon and groomers. This helps your pet understand that the groomers are friendly and that a pet salon is a nice place.

6. Tell the Groomer About Your Pet's Grooming Experiences

If it’s your dog’s first time at the groomer’s or if they’ve exhibited anxiety in the past, let your groomer know when you call to make the appointment. Then they can make special arrangements and be prepared to better accommodate your pet.

7. Stop If It's Too Much

Don’t try to force your pet. Pay close attention to your pet’s behavior, demeanor, and body language, and stop if grooming gets to be too much.

Professional Advice From a Veterinarian

If you feel like you’ve tried everything, but you’re still struggling to help your dog acclimate to bathtime, then we encourage you to talk with a veterinarian at Desert Paws Mobile Veterinary Care. We can help you find new strategies to keep your pet calm and happy while getting the care they need.